AI Generated Ads

Generate Google Ads headlines and descriptions, instantly

Get more clicks with headlines and descriptions that are tailored to your audience.

How to use our Google ads generator and preview tool

Google Ads can be a great way to reach new customers online. But coming up with the right headlines and descriptions can be tough.


Step 1: Describe your topic and keyword

What other words or phrases are people likely to use when searching for what you’re selling?


Step 2: Select all the ad variants you need

Testing different ad variations can help you to make a more informed decision on how to optimize your campaigns.


Step 3: Get more out of your ads campaigns with more variants

Need a new set of ads for a new campaign? No problem! Just hit “Generate” againand you’ll have fresh text ready to go in minutes.

Stop struggling with launching campaigns

Google Ads are a necessary part of any online marketing campaign. But writing effective ads can be tough—take the guesswork out of Google Ads copywriting with a preview tool and an ad copy template. Plus, our tool offers tons of ideas and variations for all your campaigns, so you can get the most out of your Google Ads budget.

Targeted ads that hit the mark

Our AI tool will help you write ads that resonate with your audience - while keeping to Google Ads guidelines on length and best practices.

A wealth of ideas for every campaign

No matter what kind of campaign you're running, our AI tool will help you come up with tons of ideas for copy variations.

Preview your ad before you publish

Get a realistic idea of how your ad will look, with our Google Ads preview tool. This will help you fine-tune your ad and avoid making any costly mistakes.


Some good headlines for Google ads include “Introducing Our New Product,” “25% Off Your Order Today,” and “Free Shipping on All Orders Over $50.” The headlines are good because they are attention-grabbing and include a call to action. They also include a discount or free shipping, which is likely to entice people to click on the ad.

You should have at least two headlines for your Google ads, in case one of them is not approved by Google. You can also use more than two headlines, depending on how you want to split your ad groups.

The recommended character length for a headline is 30 characters or less. This will ensure that the headline can be easily read on mobile devices.

The description is the second part of your ad, after the headline. It should be a brief description of your product or service, and should include a call to action. The description should be no more than 125 characters.

Clearlai AI is a Google AdWords generator that is free for up to 15 generations. After that, you’ll need to subscribe in order to continue using the tool.

Speed up your Google Ads campaigns

Generate Google ad copy variants easily, get a preview of how your ads will look and create campaigns in minutes.